Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Technology Society Video 2012 ASME State of the Society

Innovation Society Video 2012 ASME State of the Society Innovation Society Video 2012 ASME State of the Society Video: 2012 ASME State of the Society Get the most recent building news. Search by subject, control, industry, or profession way. From ASME - the focal point of designing discussion. ASME proceeded with its push to affect worldwide terrific difficulties confronting mankind through its work as a supporter of in fact sound vitality arrangements, measures and confirmation work advancing worldwide wellbeing and trade, and the huge range of activities drove by the Society in monetary year 2012. ASMEs change took on expanded energy; reevaluating our Society for the future - living the fantasy of what it intends to me a specialist in the 21st Century. This introduction is a synopsis of ASME exercises and activities in FY12 and serves to accentuation the proceeded with crucial, key concentration and achievements of ASME during the previous year. ASME keeps on expanding on its qualities and to be a middle for worldwide designing discussions. ASME Annual Report 2011-2012 The copyright of this program is claimed by ASME.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How to have supportive conversations about the impact of Coronavirus Viewpoint careers advice blog

How to have supportive conversations about the impact of Coronavirus Many of us are feeling heightened stress and anxiety during this challenging time, as we face changed working circumstances, health concerns, lost social connections and financial pressures. These pressures are real and can be all consuming, at a time when we are potentially being asked to work harder, longer or more flexibly than ever before. For these reasons it is vital that organisations focus on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of colleagues who face uncertainty due to the coronavirus. Lots of employees may have concerns about their job security, or how to cope with working from home, or supporting furloughed staff, and balancing the ‘new normal’ of blending home life with their working day. Three ways to support your employees during this period Here are some tips for having a conversation about the impact coronavirus is having, and most importantly, how to support each other during this period: 1. Making time and (virtual) space As a Mental Health First Aider, I’ve had to think a bit differently about how to offer support in this new virtual landscape. I’m sure many of the three million Mental Health First Aiders across the globe, like me, are being approached by colleagues with concerns related to the current crisis. Firstly, it’s important to create regular opportunities for check-ins with your team. At MHFA England we have arranged a remote team coffee every morning, which allows for natural conversation about the day ahead or any other concerns. Staff won’t just bump into one another organically at work, so make sure to organise informal sessions for all staff, including any who may be on furlough leave, to catch up with each other and discuss what’s on their minds. If someone approaches you with concerns in a remote setting, it’s important to apply the same principles around having a conversation as you would in person. Make sure to set enough time aside, minimise distractions around you (you may need to move to another room in your home), and give the person your full focus by turning off your notifications and other devices. Remember, if you are a Mental Health First Aider, you can let your colleagues know you are there to support them by adding a line into your email signature or by sharing a digital poster. 2. Practical suggestions One of the most common concerns for staff will be adjusting to working from home. There are some simple suggestions here which can really help support your colleagues’ wellbeing during this period. Encouraging structure and routine is a good first step. Regular exercise, waking up and getting ready at the same time every day, and setting up a workspace that’s separate from your sleeping area are a good start. This can help people prepare for work mode and make it easier to switch off at the end of the day. You can find more ideas on how to promote good mental health whilst working from home here. Practising self-care is another great way to help manage stress levels. Encourage colleagues, and yourself, to make time for the things they enjoy, whether that’s watching a favourite television series or spending time with family, doing something creative or learning a new skill. You may find new ways to relax that you can share with colleagues or use to start a conversation with an employee who appears stressed. As a Mental Health First Aider, I try to encourage colleagues to seek further support should they need it. Your organisation may have an Employee Assistance Programme available, but there are lots of free resources to suggest too. Remember that you are not a councillor or therapist, but you are there to offer support and signpost. For anyone caring for people while working at home, encourage them to make time for themselves. While it’s essential we support our family, friends, and colleagues at this time, we also have to look after our own mental wellbeing. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so practice what you preach and prioritise your own wellbeing before supporting others. 3. Connecting authentically In the current climate, and as more organisations move to home working, authentic human connections are vital for our wellbeing. Our ‘work lives’ and ‘home lives’ are merging more than they have ever done before. On the positive side we will get to know each other better but may also find our personal responsibilities clashing with our working day, such as children needing care at home due to school closures, or elderly parents in need of support. We need to embrace this change and create a workplace culture where everyone can be their ‘whole self’ while at work, wherever that may be. Empowering people to feel comfortable to be their authentic self at work will help create an atmosphere of psychological safety, meaning they are more likely to feel comfortable opening up about any concerns. At MHFA England we have kickstarted a range of activities to get to know each other better and stay connected during this period. You could start by encouraging colleagues to share more about their hobbies and passions â€" for example, a virtual book club or film review session. You could also take it in turns to give a webcam tour of your new workspace, share some treasured photos, or introduce your colleagues to your beloved household pets. Check out our My Whole Self resources for more ideas. To conclude Talking to colleagues about their mental health and wellbeing in the context of the coronavirus outbreak doesn’t need to be daunting. Start by thinking about how you create the right workplace culture (even if this is virtual) where people feel comfortable enough to talk about new stresses or anxieties. Check in regularly with your colleagues and create time and space for people to offer and seek support. This will support your team not only to survive, but thrive in the coming months. You can also find more tips and ideas to help start supportive conversations in MHFA England’s Take 10 Together toolkit. Did you find this blog useful? Here is some  related content  that you might find helpful during this difficult time: Five ways to stay calm and focused at work during times of crisis How to stop yourself from overworking when in lockdown How to upskill when you’re self-isolating How to be super productive when working from home Become more mindful, inside and outside of work How to have a mentally healthy relationship with technology Eight questions to ask yourself when leading remotely How to engage and motivate your team remotely

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Thank-You Note to Send After Completing an Internship

Card to say thanks to Send After Completing an Internship Card to say thanks to Send After Completing an Internship After your internship is complete, its a smart thought to send (at least one) cards to say thanks. You can send one to your immediate director, to the entry level position program pioneer or facilitator, and furthermore to any partners who may have been especially useful or engaged with your everyday work during your temporary job. Sending a card to say thanks permits you to communicate your thankfulness for the chance. Additionally, this pleasant touch causes you end your temporary position on a solid, positive note. Here is a card to say thanks model you can send (by means of email or mail) in the wake of finishing a temporary job. This card to say thanks model can be utilized to state thank you either for an entry level position understanding or for giving vocation guidance. Entry level position Thank (Text Version) Your NameYour AddressYour City, State Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateNameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Mr./Ms. Last Name:Thank you such a great amount for the chance to understudy at the Sunshine Home.It was a brilliant experience and made me significantly progressively sure that I might want to seek after a profession in aiding in danger teenagers.Over the course of the entry level position, I had the option to go through numerous hours with every occupant â€" tuning in to them and chatting with them about their objectives and plans for what's to come. It was unbelievably remunerating to have the option to assist them with centering and make arrangements when such a significant number of them began without much hope.Your guidance and experience have been colossally useful all through these previous six months.I genuinely value the certainty you appeared in me by giving me this entry level position. I trust that after graduation, I may have the option to ta lk with you at more noteworthy length about the headings I may take in seeking after a profession in social work.Best Regards,Your Signature (hard duplicate letter)Your Name Grow Tips for Writing Your Internship Thank-You Note Here are the most significant things to remember for your card to say thanks: Your Appreciation for the Opportunity As in any card to say thanks, ensure that you offer thanks. Ideally, youve increased important experience through this entry level position and can talk regarding why you are appreciative for having had the position. What You Gained Through the Experience Attempt to utilize explicit, point by point models here. You can discuss a most loved second, something significant or intriguing you learned, or another, enlightening experience or mindfulness youve accomplished. Your Contact data Try not to request an occupation legitimately - your card to say thanks isn't the ideal spot to be forceful in your profession search. Be that as it may, you can ask to connect on LinkedIn or other business related web-based social networking stages or to share your contact data with expectations of staying in contact. On the off chance that you are keen on work with the organization, survey these tips for transforming a temporary job into a vocation. This letter isn't the perfect spot to study the organization or the entry level position program. Keep the letter positive, yet genuine. Regardless of whether you didn't have a decent encounter, search for the one thing you discovered that will help you later in your vocation, and notice that. In the event that you are sending cards to say thanks to numerous individuals who you met during your temporary position, ensure that each note is novel, and addresses your relationship and encounters with that individual. The most effective method to Send Your Thank-You Note You can email your note, or send a printed copy by means of snail mail. In the event that you are messaging your card to say thanks through the organization email, make a point to incorporate your own email address in your note so individuals can stay in contact. So as to guarantee that your email is perused, utilize the headline, Thank you from [your name]. What You Need to Know About Writing Thank You Letters Having the option to make a genuine card to say thanks is a significant component in anybody's expert toolbox, regardless of what employment field they are seeking after or what level they are at in their vocation. Ensure you survey what you have to think about composing thank-you letters, including who to thank, what to compose, and when to compose a work related thank you letter.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Keywords are Key - Hospitality

Keywords are Key - Hospitality Keywords are key to having your resume noticed! With the increasing prevalence of scanning technology, employing keywords in a resume to attract maximum attention by a human and/or computer scanner has become a critical component of building an attention getting resume. Keywords are the terms deemed by the employer to represent the essential job attributes. Each industry and profession has specific keywords. Companies and recruiters are searching resumes for specific keywords and key phrases to find the candidates with the skills, qualifications and expertise to fulfill the job requirements. Incorporating keywords into a resume and cover letter help you to secure optimum attention and outperform your competition. The keywords you select should portray your Value Proposition and match what the employer is seeking. Incorporating job specific and employer pertinent keywords in the top third of page 1 of your resume significantly elevates your chances of attracting the employers interest in your candidacy. How To Choose The Best Hospitality Keywords How do you find the right keywords to secure maximum attention? Utilize your knowledge of the company, profession, industry and review online postings of similar positions. Each profession has the potential for hundreds of keywords. With the prevalence of electronic search capability, failure to incorporate the right keywords is not an option! List Of The Top 48 Keywords In Hospitality: Back Office Operations Banquet Operations Brand Management Budget / PL Catering Client Needs Assessment Club Management Competitive Analysis Concierge Customer Service Event Coordination Facility Management Food and Beverage Food Sanitation Front Desk Operations Guest Retention Guest Services HACCP Health Safety Hospitality Management Housekeeping Human Resources Inventory Planning Kitchen Operations Maintenance Marketing Meeting Planning Menu Planning Multi-Unit Operations New Product Development Occupancy Portion Control Pricing Procurement Program Management Promotions Property Development Property Management Regulatory Compliance Reservations Resort Management Revenue Projections Server Service Management Training Development Travel and Tourism Vendor Management Workflow Management Contact Elite Resumes for a free resume critique from a Certified Professional Resume Writer. Keywords are Key - Hospitality Keywords are key to having your resume noticed! With the increasing prevalence of scanning technology, employing keywords in a resume to attract maximum attention by a human and/or computer scanner has become a critical component of building an attention getting resume. Keywords are the terms deemed by the employer to represent the essential job attributes. Each industry and profession has specific keywords. Companies and recruiters are searching resumes for specific keywords and key phrases to find the candidates with the skills, qualifications and expertise to fulfill the job requirements. Incorporating keywords into a resume and cover letter help you to secure optimum attention and outperform your competition. The keywords you select should portray your Value Proposition and match what the employer is seeking. Incorporating job specific and employer pertinent keywords in the top third of page 1 of your resume significantly elevates your chances of attracting the employers interest in your candidacy. How To Choose The Best Hospitality Keywords How do you find the right keywords to secure maximum attention? Utilize your knowledge of the company, profession, industry and review online postings of similar positions. Each profession has the potential for hundreds of keywords. With the prevalence of electronic search capability, failure to incorporate the right keywords is not an option! List Of The Top 48 Keywords In Hospitality: Back Office Operations Banquet Operations Brand Management Budget / PL Catering Client Needs Assessment Club Management Competitive Analysis Concierge Customer Service Event Coordination Facility Management Food and Beverage Food Sanitation Front Desk Operations Guest Retention Guest Services HACCP Health Safety Hospitality Management Housekeeping Human Resources Inventory Planning Kitchen Operations Maintenance Marketing Meeting Planning Menu Planning Multi-Unit Operations New Product Development Occupancy Portion Control Pricing Procurement Program Management Promotions Property Development Property Management Regulatory Compliance Reservations Resort Management Revenue Projections Server Service Management Training Development Travel and Tourism Vendor Management Workflow Management Contact Elite Resumes for a free resume critique from a Certified Professional Resume Writer.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Parents Role in the Job Search - Copeland Coaching

Parents Role in the Job Search I run into many questions surrounding parents. And, I’m not talking about the parents of young children. I’m talking about the parents of full grown adults. Both the parents and the children don’t seem to know where the boundaries are in the job search world. A similar issue was magnified for us in the media with the college entrance scandal. It’s shocking to learn the great lengths parents are going to in order to setup Olivia Jade with a perfect life, isn’t it? I’ll share my two cents on this issue. Parents should have a very small part in their adult child’s job search. To the outside world, the parents should be invisible. If I’m a hiring manager, I should have no awareness of the parents. Parents will very likely not even come up in conversation during a job interview. It’s like parents aren’t even part of the equation. Why is this? Well, if I’m the hiring manager, I’m looking to hire an adult. I want to hire a fully formed adult human who can come to my business and make good choices â€" on their own. I want to be able to trust this adult child with my business. If I am even remotely aware that there may be a parent involved in the process, I will not consider the child. If a parent is involved, I am unclear if that child is competent or not. I’m unclear how independent the child is. I’m not sure how much hand-holding I’m going to have to do with the child. With this said, parents mean well. And, they’re often helpful in a job search. But, the question is, when are they helpful in the job search? A parent is helpful when they answer questions the child may come to them with. The parent is helpful if they help proofread a resume, when the child asks. A parent is helpful when they give the child tips, when they ask. There are two common themes here. First, the child should ask for help. Second, the parent is advising the child directly. They’re on the sidelines. They’re not seen by anyone but the child. The parent should not be contacting any employer directly. They should not attend a job interview with the child (even if they’re just waiting in the lobby). A parent should not look up the future employer on LinkedIn. The minute an employer gets a whiff of the child, they’re out. The employer will never tell you this to your face because they’re too polite. But, they’re thinking it. And, they’re talking about it with other people. If you are the child of a parent who is trying to help you in this way, it’s time to step up. I know this is a tough conversation to have. If you care about your career, it’s time to have a serious conversation. Nobody can do it but you. I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here. Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If youve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in iTunes or Stitcher. Happy hunting! Angela Copeland @CopelandCoach